Driveshaft kits

Pioneering every major advance in wheel end technology since the invention of the automobile

Driveshaft Kits

Efficient and lasting power transmission

Driveshafts guarantee efficient and accurate transferal of power from the engine to the wheels. Although designed to last the life-time of the vehicle, often harsh road or weather conditions can prematurely damage them, especially due to their exposed position.

Features and performance

  • Gearbox side protection cap: seals and protects internal components effectively.
  • Pre-assembled and greased CV-Joint and boot: ensure complete wheel joint rotation is possible without damage occurring to the boot.
  • High quality metal clamps: for excellent sealing capacity.
  • Robust and rigid steel shafts: provide long-lasting, efficient torque from the engine.
  • Metal circlip, spring clips, dashed springs: safety components to ensure a safe and complete repair.
  • Precision engineered driveshaft splines: ensure stable connection to the CV-Joints and easy installation.
  • Low friction washer: protects the metal flange and the gearbox side CV-joint for longer service life.

SKF offer

  • SKF driveshafts are new, not remanufactured and meet OE standards.
  • No deposits are required to simplify processes and reducing costs for mechanics and distributors.
  • Each kit includes a pre-assembled driveshaft, inner and outer CV-Joints, boots, clamps, nuts and grease.
  • Precise driveshaft assembly, quality control and testing carried out to ensure material and performance.

Sales Manager 
Yeon, Jeongheum (+82 10 5338 7799) 
Marketing Manager
Cha, Hoyoung (+82 10 4694 5338)
Customer Service
Kong, Hoyeon (+82 10 3153 0324)

Kim, Misong (+82 10 8692 8105)